Using the Internet in Korean

Always wondered how to use Korean websites? While some technology-related words are borrowed from English, a lot of words are proper to Korean, and are sometimes hard to find in dictionary. This lesson includes common Internet nouns and verbs to help you use the Internet.

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확인(하다) (to) confirm
취소(하다) (to) cancel
로그인 login
회원가입 registration
계정 account


초대 invitation
게시판 message board
채팅방 chatroom
답장 answer
대화 conversation

Online Music and Video

음악 music
노래/가요 song
가수 singer
최신곡 latest songs
국내 domesting
해외 overseas
동영상 video
듣기 listen
다운(로드) download
구독 subscription
인기 [인끼] popularity
재생목록 [–몽녹] playlist

Online Shopping

장바구니 shopping basket
할인 discount
특가 special price
무료 free
구매/구입 purchase, buying
판매하다 to sell, deal in
신상품 new products
인기상품 popular products
신용카드 credit card
배송 delivery


보내다 to send
접속하다 to access
검색하다 to search
설정하다 to set up
지우다 to erase
삭제하다 to delete
수정하다 to edit/to amend
복사하다 to copy
소통하다 to communicate
가입하다 join, become a member of
저장하다 to save (computer)
이용하다 to use
공유하다 to share
선택하다 to select, choose

Other Words

알림 notification
댓글 comment (Internet)
정보 information
즐겨찾기 bookmark (Internet)
추천 recommendation
제안 proposal, suggestion
설치 install
혜택 benefit
제목 title
전체 the whole


이메일 email
지도 map
번역 translation
사전 dictionary
사진 picture
앨범 album
위치 location
뉴스 news
날씨 weather

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