Pattern –(으)ㄴ/는 바람에: because of, as a result
–(으)ㄴ/는 바람에 can be translated as “because of, as a result.” Usually, the phrase before 바람에 indicates an ‘unexpected event’ that leads to a negative effect in the following clause.
제가 탄 비행기가 한 시간 연착하는 바람에 기차를 놓쳤어요.
Because my plane was one hour late, I missed the train.
날씨가 나쁜 바람에 제가 탄 항공기 운항이 취소되었어요. Because the weather was bad, my flight was cancelled.
활주로가 복잡한 바람에 착륙 시간이 45분 정도 연기됩니다.
Because the runway is crowded, our arrival time will be delayed by 45min.
Reference: Yeon, J., & Brown, L. (2011). Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar: Routledge.
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