
At the Korean BBQ Restaurant

Learn some vocabulary about Korean BBQ, the name of some Korean BBQ dishes, as well as how to order and pay your bill! Also included are some example sentences that you can use at the Korean restaurant. For more practice, check out this dialogue between two friends and the waiter of a restaurant!

예약 reservation
음료 [음뇨] beverage, drinks
소맥 (소주+맥주) soju and beer cocktail
밥 한/두 공기 one/two bowl(s) of rice
삼겹살 pork belly
차돌박이 beef brisket
소갈비 beef ribs
돼지갈비 pork ribs
닭구이 grilled chicken
제육볶음 sauteed marinated pork
소불고기 beef bulgogi
곱창구이 grilled tripe
생선구이 grilled fish
계산 the bill
신용카드 credit card
선불 payment in advance
일/이 인분 (人分) one/two portion(s)
반씩 half and half
따로따로 separately
드시다 to eat (honorifics)
드리다 to give (to esteemed person)
내다 to pay
따라오다 to follow (from behind)
추가하다 to add
N을/를 주문하다 to order N
N을/를 추천하다 to recommend N

Example Sentences

굴 먹으러 갈까요? Do you want to go for oysters?
네 명이 앉을 자리가 있나요? Do you have room for four people?
삼겹살 삼인분에 이만사천원입니다. Three portions of pork belly cost 24,000 won.
차돌박이 2[이]인분 추가해 주세요. Please add two portions of beef brisket.
선불입니다. You have to pay in advance.

Also check out more food-related vocabulary from a previous lesson.

Pattern –기 바라다: polite request

These examples are sentences that could be heard from flight attendants on a commercial flight. Learn more vocabulary about flying.

응급 환자가 안전하게 내릴 때까지 좌석에 앉아 기다려 주시기 바랍니다. (오주영 & 문구선, 2010) Until the emergency patient gets off, please remain seated.
기내에서의 좌석 이동은 삼가 해 주시기 바랍니다. (Peach Air, 2017) Please restrain from any in-flight change of seat (=please keep your assigned seat during flight)
탑승하고 계신 승객님들 중에 의사님이 계시다면 가까이있는 승무원에게 알려 주시기 바랍니다. If there’s a doctor among the customers onboard, please notify the nearest flight attendant.


Pattern –(으)ㄴ/는 바람에: because of, as a result

–()/ 바람에 can be translated as “because of, as a result.” Usually, the phrase before 바람에 indicates an ‘unexpected event’ that leads to a negative effect in the following clause.


제가 탄 비행기가 한 시간 연착하는 바람에 기차를 놓쳤어요. Because my plane was one hour late, I missed the train.
날씨가 나쁜 바람에 제가 탄 항공기 운항이 취소되었어요. Because the weather was bad, my flight was cancelled.
활주로가 복잡한 바람에 착륙 시간이 45분 정도 연기됩니다. Because the runway is crowded, our arrival time will be delayed by 45min.

Reference: Yeon, J., & Brown, L. (2011). Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar: Routledge.

The Airport & Traveling by Plane

Learn some vocabulary about the airport, flying, and all the steps in between! The words in the list below are often heard during boarding announcements at the airport, onboard the plane, and can be seen on airline websites. If you 

공항 airport
비행기/항공기 airplane
항공사 airline
출발 departure
도착 arrival
연기되다 to be delayed
KE101편 Korean Air Flight 101
세관 customs
작성하다 fill in[out] (questionnaire)
출국심사 departure (passport) check
짐, 수하물 baggage
이륙 takeoff
착륙 [창뉵] landing
활주로 runway
탑승권 [탑씅꿘] boarding pass
탑승구 [탑씅구] boarding gate
환승 transit
야간 비행 an overnight flight
직항 항공편 [지캉] direct flight
국내 [궁내] domestic, interior
국내 비행 서비스 domestic flight service
국제 [국쩨] international
국제선 international lines
해외로 여행하다 travel abroad
비행기표 plane ticket
예매 advance purchase
대한항공 Korean Air
승객 passenger
승무원 flight attendant
마일리지 적립 [정닙] mileage accumulation
사전 좌석 배정 advance seat assignment
기내에서 on the plane/during flight
기내 오락 in-flight entertainment
기내식 in-flight meal
일등석 [일뜽] first class
일반석 economy class


비행이 45분 정도 연기되었습니다. The flight was delayed 45 minutes.
착륙 후에 출국심사를 무사히 통과했어요. After landing I went through Passport Control without incident.
OZ 200편 항공기가 현재 8번 게이트에서 탑승을 실시하고 있습니다. Flight OZ 200 is now boarding at Gate 8.

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Pattern –는 길(에): on the way to

() can be translated as “on the way toand is used with a verb indicating movement to/from a destination.

뉴욕에서 오는 길이에요. I’m on my way from New York.
공항에 가는 길에 여권을 잃어버렸어요. I lost my passport on my way to the airport.
공항에서 돌아오는 길에 케이크 샀어요. I bought a cake on the way back from the airport.

Reference: Yeon, J., & Brown, L. (2011). Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar: Routledge.

Pattern (을/를) 통해(서): through, by way of

(을/를) 통해(서) / (을/를) 통하여(서) can be translated as “through, by way of” and is used with nouns to indicate “sources of information” such as persons, institutions, activities, etc.

텔레비전을 통해서 한국 문화에 대해 많이 배우게 됐어요. I ended up learning a lot about Korean culture through television.
친구를 통해서 민주의 소식을 들었어요. I got news of Minjoo through a friend.
친구를 통해 민지에게 편지를 보냈어요. I sent a letter to Minji through a friend.
성공은 근면을 통해서만 얻을 수 있다 You can only achieve success through hard work.

Reference: King, R., Yeon, J., & Lee, I. (2015). Continuing Korean (Second ed.): Tuttle Publishing.

Ending –거든(요): it’s because, you see

거든() can be translated as “it’s because, you see.” It follows a verb and, in this form, is always ending a sentence (another pattern exists with 거든 in the middle of a sentence, with a different meaning). It is commonly used to add information to what was previously said, provide justification for one’s actions, or referring to something that was said in the past.

A: 왜 늦게 왔어?
B: 할 숙제 많았거든.
A: Why did you arrive late?

B: Because I had a lot of homework left.
프랑스에 가려고 해요. 프랑스어를 배우고 싶거든요. I will go to France. I want to learn French, you see.
한식말고 양식 먹을까? 매운 음식 되게 싫거든. Can we have Western food instead of Korean food? I really don’t like spicy food, you see.

Reference: Yeon, J., & Brown, L. (2011). Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar: Routledge.

Academics - University Topics

This lesson introduces words to talk about university subjects, the different university degrees, and some examples using these words together in a sentence.

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Subjects (과목)

수학 mathematics
물리학 physics
화학 chemistry
생물학 biology
과학 science
공학 engineering
컴퓨터 공학 computer science
정보과학 informatics
경제학 economics
정치학 politics
역사학 history
문학 literature
경영학 business administration
언어학 linguistics
법학 law


졸업하다 to graduate
학위를 받다 receive a degree
박사과정을 밟다 [밥따] to study for a PhD degree
취직하다/취업하다 to get/find a job
…(을/를) 전공하다 to major in
…(을/를) 부전공하다 to minor in


대학(교) university
(수학) 학위 a degree (in mathematics)
학위 소지자 person with an academic degree
학사 학위 bachelor’s degree
석사 학위 master’s degree
박사 학위 doctorate
(박사) 과정 course of study (Ph.D. program)
대학생 university/college student
교환 학생 exchange student
문학과 department of literature
학부 undergraduate studies (college)
대학원 graduate school


그는 역사학 학사 학위 소지자예요. He is a holder of a Bachelor’s in history.
그는 역사학 석사 학위를 가지고 있어요. He has a Master’s in history.
그는 인디애나 대학을 졸업했어요. He graduated from Indiana University.
취업 준비 중이에요. I’m looking for a job.
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Using the Internet in Korean

Always wondered how to use Korean websites? While some technology-related words are borrowed from English, a lot of words are proper to Korean, and are sometimes hard to find in dictionary. This lesson includes common Internet nouns and verbs to help you use the Internet.

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확인(하다) (to) confirm
취소(하다) (to) cancel
로그인 login
회원가입 registration
계정 account


초대 invitation
게시판 message board
채팅방 chatroom
답장 answer
대화 conversation

Online Music and Video

음악 music
노래/가요 song
가수 singer
최신곡 latest songs
국내 domesting
해외 overseas
동영상 video
듣기 listen
다운(로드) download
구독 subscription
인기 [인끼] popularity
재생목록 [–몽녹] playlist

Online Shopping

장바구니 shopping basket
할인 discount
특가 special price
무료 free
구매/구입 purchase, buying
판매하다 to sell, deal in
신상품 new products
인기상품 popular products
신용카드 credit card
배송 delivery


보내다 to send
접속하다 to access
검색하다 to search
설정하다 to set up
지우다 to erase
삭제하다 to delete
수정하다 to edit/to amend
복사하다 to copy
소통하다 to communicate
가입하다 join, become a member of
저장하다 to save (computer)
이용하다 to use
공유하다 to share
선택하다 to select, choose

Other Words

알림 notification
댓글 comment (Internet)
정보 information
즐겨찾기 bookmark (Internet)
추천 recommendation
제안 proposal, suggestion
설치 install
혜택 benefit
제목 title
전체 the whole


이메일 email
지도 map
번역 translation
사전 dictionary
사진 picture
앨범 album
위치 location
뉴스 news
날씨 weather

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Hanging Out with Friends

If you have Korean friends, or want to make some, use this vocabulary to get together, eat out, and plan activities! Download this vocabulary and take it to go!

Adjectives and Verbs

바쁘다 to be busy
다른 약속이 없다 to be free
전화하다 to telephone
☯(으)러 가다 to go do ☯
배(가) 부르다 to be full
배(가) 고프다 to be hungry
시키다/주문하다 to order (e.g., food)
멋있다 be cool (person)
재미있다 be fun, interesting
심심하다 to be bored


안주 food to go with alcohol
소맥 cocktail (soju + beer)
치맥 chicken + beer
피자 pizza
생맥주 draft beer
냉커피 ice coffee
빙수 shaved ice with syrup

Free Time (여가 시간)

취미 hobby, interest
노래 song/singing
영화 movie
음악 music
여행 travel
게임 game
독서 reading
낚시 fishing
바둑 baduk
당구 billiards
축구 soccer
야구 baseball
농구 basketball
수영 swimming
탁구 table tennis
피아노 piano


휴대폰 mobile phone
전화번호 phone number
연락처 [열락-] contact information
음식 배달 food delivery
장소 place, spot
예약 reservation
택시 taxi
지하철 출구 subway exit
약속 plan, promise
콘서트 concert
연극 a play


older brother/ male friend for men
누나 older sister/ female friend for men
오빠 older brother/ male friend for women
언니 older sister/ female friend for women
친구 friend of same age
나이 age
여자친구 girlfriend
남자친구 boyfriend


영화관 cinema
백화점 department store
미술관 art museum
노래방 karaoke
술집 bar
맛집 delicious restaurant
극장 theater
다방/찻집 tea house
카페 café
볼링장 bowling alley
놀이공원 amusement park

Plans with Friends (반말)

아, 너무 배고파! Ah, I’m really hungry!
점심 먹으러 우리 집에 가자! Let’s go to my house to eat lunch!
나가서 먹을래 아니면 배달 시킬까? Do you want to eat out or order in?
몇 시에 어디서 만날까? What time and where should we meet?
강남역 4번 [사번] 출구 앞에 만나자. Let’s meet in front of exit 4 of Gangnam station.
늦어서 미안해. I’m sorry I’m late.
약속 장소가 어디야? Where is the meeting place?
집에 도착하면 문자 [문짜] 해! Text me when you arrive home!
노래방에나 갈까? Should we go to norebang or something?
무슨 노래 먼저 할까? What song should we sing first?
노래 되게 잘 해! You sing really well!
한 잔 더 할까 말까? Should we have one more glass or not?

Personal Information (존댓말)

남자친구 있어요? Do you have a boyfriend?
연락처 좀 알 수 있을까요? Could I get your contact information?
취미는 뭐예요? What are your hobbies?
제 취미는 피아노 치는 거예요. My hobby is playing the piano.
저는 별다른 취미가 없어요. I have no special hobbies.
몇 살이세요? How old are you?
서른이 넘었어요. I’m over 30.