Food Survival
Learn some essential food vocabulary to eat out with friends! Learn new adjectives, the name of famous drinks, some food words, and several sentences to order food and show appreciation. Download the study sheet and take it to go!
- Adjectives and Verbs
- Beverages
- Ingredients
- Korean, Japanese, and Chinese Food
- Other Words
- Sentences to use with friends/family
- Sentences to use at the restaurant
Adjectives and Verbs
맛있다 [마싣따] | delicious |
맛없다 [마덥따] | not tasty |
맵다 | spicy |
달다 | sweet |
짜다 | salty |
고소하다 | flavorsome |
쓰다 | bitter |
시다 | sour |
느끼하다 | greasy |
요리하다 | to cook |
차 | tea |
녹차 | green tea |
홍차 | black tea |
커피 | coffee |
주스 | juice |
우유 | milk |
맥주 | beer |
양주 | liquor |
막걸리 [막껄리] | makkeolli |
게 | crab |
돼지고기 | pork |
새우 | shrimp |
연어 | salmon |
닭고기 [닦고기] | chicken |
소고기 | beef |
마늘 | garlic |
무 | radish |
감자 | potato |
복숭아 | peach |
딸기 | strawberry |
배 | pear |
사과 | apple |
야채 | vegetable |
Korean, Chinese, and Japanese Food
된장찌개 | bean paste stew |
김치찌개 | kimchi stew |
떡볶이 | tteokbokki |
떡국 [떡꾹] | rice cake soup |
볶음밥 | fried rice |
미역국 | seaweed soup |
삼겹살 | pork belly |
불고기 | bulgogi |
차돌박이 | beef brisket |
장어구이 | grilled eel |
파전 | green onion pancake |
냉면 | cold noodle |
만두 | dumpling |
튀김 | fried |
초밥 | sushi (Japanese style) |
생선회 [-훼] | raw fish |
With Friends or Family
제일 좋아하는 음식이 뭐예요? What is your favorite food?
갈비를 좋아해요? Do you like galbi?
저는 을/를 제일 좋아해요. My favorite food is .
먹으러 갈까요? Should we go eat ?
이 가 너무 짜요! This is too salty!
맛있게 드세요! Enjoy your meal! (polite)
잘 먹겠습니다! I will eat well!
잘 먹었습니다. I ate well, thanks for the food.
삼겹살 먹어 본 적이 있어요? Have you ever eaten pork belly?
잘 먹겠습니다! I will eat well!
At the Restaurant
무한 리필 뷔페예요? Is this an all you can eat buffet?
두 개 주세요. Please give me two .
주문하고 싶은데요. I would like to order.
장어구이 세 마리 주세요!
Please give me three grilled eels!
소주 두 병 주세요! Please give me two bottles of soju!
맵지 않게 해주세요. Please make it not spicy.
커피를 더 주시겠어요? Could I have some more coffee?
먼저 음료를 주문하고 싶습니다. We’d like to order drinks first.
계산서 갖다 주세요. Please bring the check.
선불입니다. You have to pay in advance.
Other Words
식사 | meal |
과자 | snack |
식당 [식땅] | restaurant |
한식 | Korean food |
간장 | soy sauce |
고추 | red pepper |
솥 | Korean pot |
접시 | dish/plate |
냉장고 | fridge |
포크 | fork |
숟가락 [숟까락] | spoon |
젓가락 [저까락] | chopstick |
전자레인지 | microwave |
부엌 | kitchen (in house) |
정식 | set menu |
예약 | reservation |
무료 | free of charge |
맛집 | delicious restaurant |
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