Academics - University Topics
This lesson introduces words to talk about university subjects, the different university degrees, and some examples using these words together in a sentence.
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Subjects (과목)
수학 | mathematics |
물리학 | physics |
화학 | chemistry |
생물학 | biology |
과학 | science |
공학 | engineering |
컴퓨터 공학 | computer science |
정보과학 | informatics |
경제학 | economics |
정치학 | politics |
역사학 | history |
문학 | literature |
경영학 | business administration |
언어학 | linguistics |
법학 | law |
졸업하다 | to graduate |
학위를 받다 | receive a degree |
박사과정을 밟다 [밥따] | to study for a PhD degree |
취직하다/취업하다 | to get/find a job |
…(을/를) 전공하다 | to major in |
…(을/를) 부전공하다 | to minor in |
대학(교) | university |
(수학) 학위 | a degree (in mathematics) |
학위 소지자 | person with an academic degree |
학사 학위 | bachelor’s degree |
석사 학위 | master’s degree |
박사 학위 | doctorate |
(박사) 과정 | course of study (Ph.D. program) |
대학생 | university/college student |
교환 학생 | exchange student |
문학과 | department of literature |
학부 | undergraduate studies (college) |
대학원 | graduate school |
그는 역사학 학사 학위 소지자예요. He is a holder of a Bachelor’s in history.
그는 역사학 석사 학위를 가지고 있어요. He has a Master’s in history.
그는 인디애나 대학을 졸업했어요. He graduated from Indiana University.
취업 준비 중이에요. I’m looking for a job.
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