Laborum voluptate pariatur ex culpa magna nostrud est incididunt fugiat pariatur do dolor ipsum enim. Consequat tempor do dolor eu. Non id id anim anim excepteur excepteur pariatur nostrud qui irure ullamco.

Buying Clothes (Dialogue and Vocabulary)

Have you ever wondered how to buy clothes in Korean? With the following dialogue and vocabulary, you will be able to do so naturally in any Korean clothing store.

Buying Clothes: Dialogue

직원: 어서오세요. 에잇세컨즈입니다. 찾으시는 물건 있으세요?
빅터: 네, 이번에 새로 들어온 청바지를 찾고있어요.
직원: 아~ 광고에 나온 바지요?
빅터: 네, 맞아요. 혹시 그거 34사이즈 있어요?
직원: 혹시 재고가 있는지 확인해 보고 오겠습니다.
  (3분 뒤에)
직원: 고객님, 죄송합니다. 지금 저희가 가지고 있는 재고는 32사이즈랑 36사이즈 밖에 없는데... 혹시 이 중에 착용해 보고 싶은것이 있으신가요?
빅텉: 32사이즈 입어봐도 될까요?
직원: 탈의실 이쪽에 있습니다.

The grammar pattern V–아/어 보다 (to try to V) is used a lot in this dialogue. Check out the grammar page for the pattern V–아/어 보다 for more examples as well the translation of some sentences from this dialogue.

Everyday Sentences to Use at Home

The sentences in this post can be used at home in everyday situations. Practice them every day with family members!

안녕히 주무세요? Good morning. (lit. "have you slept well?"). Use when the other person is older and respected.
잘 잤어? Sort of good morning, when the other person is younger.
아침 먹었어? Have you eaten breakfast?
네, 아침 먹었어요./아니요, 아침 안 먹었어요. Yes, I ate breakfast./No, I haven't eaten breakfast.
잘 다녀올게요/잘 다녀오겠습니다. Sort of "See you later." Used when a person is leaving home and coming back later (e.g., going to school).
응, 잘 다녀와. The answer to the previous statement. Used by older adults talking to younger people (반말).
우편물 왔어? Is there mail? (used by older adults talking to younger people (반말)
방 청소해/방 정리해. Clean up your room/tidy up your room.


잘 먹겠습니다. I will eat well/bon appetit (used before eating, especially when invited or when the food is cooked by somebody else)
잘 먹었습니다. I ate well (same context as the previous sentence).
많이 먹어! Eat a lot! (told by somebody older when giving or offering food to somebody younger)
엄마, 배고파요. Mom, I'm hungry.
배 불러요. I am full.

Pattern [거의/하마터면] ... V(으)ㄹ 뻔하다: To Come Close To

Meaning: to come close to, to be on the verge of doing V (but did not do it eventually).

날씨가 안좋아서 소풍을 못 갈 뻔했다. Since the weather was not good, I almost did not go (=but went anyway).
공부를 열심히 안해서 시험에 떨어질 뻔했다. Since I did not study a lot, I almost failed the test (=but passed anyway).
투자를 많이 했지만 돈을 거의 잃을 뻔했다. Although I invested a lot, I almost lost all my money.
지갑을 안가져와서 결제 못 할 뻔했다. Since I did not take my wallet, I almost could not pay (= but paid anyway)

Going for a Picnic (Dialogue and Vocabulary)

This dialogue is between two friends, 빅터 and 수진, going for a picnic at the Han River in Seoul. While at the river, they order pizza and chicken. The dialogue is followed by the relevant vocabulary used in the dialogue. Some supplemental example sentences are also provided.

Picnic: Dialogue

수진: 오~~ 날씨 진짜 좋다! 우리 한강으로 소풍 갈까?
빅터: 응, 좋아!
수진: 한강 가서 뭐 먹고싶어?
빅터: 아무거나 괜찮아. 음식 싸갈까?
수진: 아니. 배달 시켜먹자!
빅터: 그래, 좋아! 돈은 니가 내라!
수진: 아유~ 오케이! 담요랑 돗자리랑 휴지 챙겨 가자!
수진: 뭐 시킬까? 피자나 치킨?
빅터: 둘다 시키자!
종업원 (전화로): 여보세요. 네네치킨입니다.
수진: 안녕하세요. 양념 반 후라이드 반이랑 피자 한 판 배달해 주세요. 무 많이 갖다 주세요. 그리고, 비닐장갑 갖다 주세요.
종업원: 어디로요?
수진: 뚝섬역 3번출구로 갖다 주세요.
종업원: "출발할때 전화해 드릴께요.
수진: 카드요.
종업원: 네, 알겠습니다.
  (배달 온 후에)
빅터: 맛있겠다! 아, 음료 안 시켰어!
수진: 내가 콜라 싸온다고 했잖아!
빅터: 아니, 너 말 안 했어! 난 착한 남자니까 편의점에 갔다올게.
수진: 나 먼저 먹고있을께!

Picnic: Vocabulary

소풍 picnic (also an excursion)
공원 park
배달 delivery (in general)
배달음식 food that can be delivered
음식배달 food delivery
담요 blanket
돗자리 mat
숟가락 spoon
젓가락 통 (桶) a chopstick case
휴지 tissue (also toilet paper)
편의점 convenience store
현금 cash
3[삼]번 출구 exit number 3 (subway)
비닐 장갑 plastic gloves
출발 departure
...역 (驛) (강남역) station (e.g., Gangnam st.)
짐을 챙기다/싸다 to pack up (2)
배달을 시키다 to order delivery (1/2)
배달을 주문하다 to order delivery (2/2)
배달 시켜 먹다 to order and then eat delivery food
저녁을 준비하다 to prepare/fix dinner (1/2)
저녁을 마련하다 to prepare/fix dinner (2/2)
도시락을 싸다 to pack a lunch box

More Example Sentences

공원 화장실은 머니까 치킨 먹을때 비닐 장갑을 챙겨야 합니다. Since the restrooms of the park are far, you have to pack plastic gloves when you eat chicken.
현금으로 계산하면 할인 받을 수 있습니다. If you pay cash, you can receive a discount.
좋은 자리를 찾으려면 일찍 가야 합니다. To find a good spot, you have to arrive early.
일기 예보를 보고 날씨가 안좋으면 소풍 계획을 취소해야 한다. If the weather forecast is not good, you have to cancel the picnic.

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Pattern sb께 N을/를 드리다; sb께 V어/아 드리다: Doing a Favor

The honorific 드리다 replaces 주다 when the recipient is an esteemed person. Use this whenever you are doing a favor to somebody older than you to whom you talk respectfully, such as your grandparents, your professor, your boss, etc.

저는 부모님께 선물을 드렸어요. I gave a gift to my parents.
창문을 열어드릴까요? (As a favor to an esteemed person) Should I open the window?
제가 싸게 해 드릴게요! I will make it cheap!

You can hear this a lot in restaurants and stores when waiters/store employees ask customers what they want or if they need additional service.

Dialogue: Two Friends at the Korean BBQ Restaurant

Here is a dialogue between two friends and a waiter at a Korean restaurant. The dialogue starts with a phone conversation between the two friends, with 준형 asking if Victor is busy. They then go to the Korean restaurant and order some meat and drinks, before splitting the bill at the end.

Tip: Hover over the highlighted terms to see their translation! More vocabulary and example sentences are also available.

At the Korean BBQ Restaurant

Learn some vocabulary about Korean BBQ, the name of some Korean BBQ dishes, as well as how to order and pay your bill! Also included are some example sentences that you can use at the Korean restaurant. For more practice, check out this dialogue between two friends and the waiter of a restaurant!

예약 reservation
음료 [음뇨] beverage, drinks
소맥 (소주+맥주) soju and beer cocktail
밥 한/두 공기 one/two bowl(s) of rice
삼겹살 pork belly
차돌박이 beef brisket
소갈비 beef ribs
돼지갈비 pork ribs
닭구이 grilled chicken
제육볶음 sauteed marinated pork
소불고기 beef bulgogi
곱창구이 grilled tripe
생선구이 grilled fish
계산 the bill
신용카드 credit card
선불 payment in advance
일/이 인분 (人分) one/two portion(s)
반씩 half and half
따로따로 separately
드시다 to eat (honorifics)
드리다 to give (to esteemed person)
내다 to pay
따라오다 to follow (from behind)
추가하다 to add
N을/를 주문하다 to order N
N을/를 추천하다 to recommend N

Example Sentences

굴 먹으러 갈까요? Do you want to go for oysters?
네 명이 앉을 자리가 있나요? Do you have room for four people?
삼겹살 삼인분에 이만사천원입니다. Three portions of pork belly cost 24,000 won.
차돌박이 2[이]인분 추가해 주세요. Please add two portions of beef brisket.
선불입니다. You have to pay in advance.

Also check out more food-related vocabulary from a previous lesson.

Pattern –기 바라다: polite request

These examples are sentences that could be heard from flight attendants on a commercial flight. Learn more vocabulary about flying.

응급 환자가 안전하게 내릴 때까지 좌석에 앉아 기다려 주시기 바랍니다. (오주영 & 문구선, 2010) Until the emergency patient gets off, please remain seated.
기내에서의 좌석 이동은 삼가 해 주시기 바랍니다. (Peach Air, 2017) Please restrain from any in-flight change of seat (=please keep your assigned seat during flight)
탑승하고 계신 승객님들 중에 의사님이 계시다면 가까이있는 승무원에게 알려 주시기 바랍니다. If there’s a doctor among the customers onboard, please notify the nearest flight attendant.


Pattern –(으)ㄴ/는 바람에: because of, as a result

–()/ 바람에 can be translated as “because of, as a result.” Usually, the phrase before 바람에 indicates an ‘unexpected event’ that leads to a negative effect in the following clause.


제가 탄 비행기가 한 시간 연착하는 바람에 기차를 놓쳤어요. Because my plane was one hour late, I missed the train.
날씨가 나쁜 바람에 제가 탄 항공기 운항이 취소되었어요. Because the weather was bad, my flight was cancelled.
활주로가 복잡한 바람에 착륙 시간이 45분 정도 연기됩니다. Because the runway is crowded, our arrival time will be delayed by 45min.

Reference: Yeon, J., & Brown, L. (2011). Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar: Routledge.

노래방 - Korean Karaoke (and its complicated remote)

Karaoke Room in IndianapolisKorean karaoke, or 노래방, is really popular among Koreans of all ages. Friends, family, or colleagues use karaoke as a sort of social gathering, usually drinking beer at the same time. 

Some of the etiquette rules governing 노래방:

  • Do not queue several songs at once, but let other people queue their own songs.
  • Avoid looking at your phone frequently, as it is considered rude.
  • If you see that you do not know a song as much as you thought, skip it (press 취소 followed by 시작 on the remote)

One of the barriers of entry to 노래방 for foreigners is probably the seemingly overly complicated remote. Learn the various features of the remote prior to going to 노래방 so that you can make the most of your time there! Check the picture (divided by zone) and the corresponding vocabulary below. You can also download this information and print it to take it with you to your next 노래방 session! If you live too far from a karaoke place, you can also buy a Korean karaoke machine for home use.