The list below includes some of the key expressions to know when taking the written part of the TOPIK Exam and aiming for levels 5 and 6.
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Grammar Patterns
Causation | |
중급 | V-(으)니(까) |
V-(아/어)서 | |
V-기 때문에 | |
고급 | V-은/는 바람에 |
V-은/는 김에 | |
V-(으)므로 | |
V-느라고 | |
V-(으)ㄴ/는 이상(에[는]) | |
V-기에 (spoken ≈ V-길래) | |
V-아/어 | |
V-더니 | |
V-(으)ㄹ테니까 | |
Connective xx |
순서 (order)
1. 우선/먼저/첫째로/첫번째로
2. 둘째로/그리고/두번째로... 셋째로/세번째로
end. 마지막으로
Connecting Ideas Together in Written Answers
These patterns are used in essays to connect several ideas together. These patterns are particularly useful to structure your answers to writing questions for TOPIK II. Especially for shorter answers (e.g., graph description), you can follow this procedure:
- Start with one or two sentences describing what the discussion matter is.
- Then, add information by starting a sentence with one of the connective words under 1. Adding supplemental information.
- You can then present a valid counter-argument with one of the words under 2. Contrasting.
- Finally, close your answer by starting your last sentence with one of the words in 3. Closing argument.
Following these steps should ensure you meet the structural requirements for short answers. For longer answers, you can follow the same general approach, but your arguments for each point should be more developed and use additional vocabulary and grammar patterns.
1. Adding supplemental information: and, also, therefore, thus.
중급: 그래서, 또한
고급: 게다가, N 뿐만 아니라
2. Contrasting: but, however.
전환: 그런데, 하지만, (고) 그러나, 이에 반에 (at the beginning of a sentence to contrast with the previous sentence).
3. Closing argument: therefore, finally, because of that.
중급: 그래서, 또한, 그러니까, 마지막으로,
고급: 그러므로, 그렇기 때문에, 결과적으로 (as a result/finally), 결국에는 (finally),